Losing Medits

by Heralds · 9 posts
4 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 4 years ago · Author
I don't know why this happens but sometimes, I just refresh my page to make sure I see the new messages correctly and when I do that, my medits are going down about 6-10. Like refreshing the page actually doesn't take my Medits but once in a while when I refresh the page, I see my medits are going down.

Posted 4 years ago

I have been having this same issue with this bug along with others for as long as I have been here. I have also reported the same bug a couple of times and it's like talking to a brick wall so good luck.
Posted 4 years ago · Author
I know right :D

Its really weird like your medits are going down but thanks for not leaving me out here alone lol.
Posted 4 years ago
I've experienced the same thing.
Thought it had something to do with just getting into the website and not interacting with anything, but I guess not.
Posted 4 years ago
@John Wick

No need to be rude. We have listened to your complaints and are looking into the issue.

We have gone through all the aspects of the site that deal with medits and even tried the exact things you guys are saying cause the bug but have been un able to reproduce it. The medits system is made up of ~1,000 lines of code across many different parts of the site. Without being able to reproduce the bug we have no idea where in the code to even begin looking. On top of that we can't verify that your medits have gone down either.

So for now, we are adding more logging to the medits system so we can better track an increase/decrease in medits on a specific account. If we can track a decrease in medits on a specific account then we can get a better idea of whats going on and start digging into the code.

For now I recommend storing your credits in the bank (CLICK HERE) so you don't lose them until we can solve the issue.

On a side note, the shoutbox isn't really for long term communication or getting in touch with staff. If you want to report issues start a thread in the Help & Support forum here or send a PM to myself or
@Don Von Alpha Dom
. We check the forums and read every PM we get and try to respond to 99% of them as quickly as we can.

Thanks for being patient with us and we hope you continue enjoying our community.
Posted 4 years ago
@John Wick


Thanks to some information from
I have finally been able to replicate this bug. So far it only happens on 1 topic though.

If I click either the new reply button or the return to contests button on this THIS topic I will lose 4 medits.

We do not know why this is happening yet but since other people are complaining and I assume they aren't all loading this specific topic I'm going to assume there's something in one of the posts causing it.

Our staff will dig deeper into this and attempt to fix is as quickly as possible. I will keep you all informed in this thread.


I'm losing medits just for loading these topics:



It seems the attachment system is causing the bug. I ran some tests and discovered if I added an attachment to a post, I started losing medits just from loading the page. When I removed the attachment I stopped losing medits.


I think I've temporarily fixed the bug by disabling the attachment costs of the forums. Once we figure out why it's buggy we'll fix it and re enable them.
Posted 4 years ago

Thanks for fixing it this quick.
Posted 4 years ago · Author
Well I'm not that old here to lose heavy amounts of medits, so I don't really need refund but some of the older users might need it. After all I am happy that this issue will be fixed.


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