Getting "Killed" On IMVU?

Sir Saignren
by Sir Saignren · 20 posts
13 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 13 years ago · Author
Alright, so I've been hired by someone to be their guard and an assassin on IMVU right? I thought this was just roleplaying and junk... I figured the person must have way too many credits or some shit to be willing to offer to pay me 10k a week for being his bodyguard... as well as another 10k per mission he gives me...

Apparently I was wrong... Call me stupid, but I'm a bit afraid of something he mentioned earlier today... He said that there was actually to "kill" an avi completely... by reporting your kill to someone (I think he said "IMVU creatures" but he may have meant "creators" or something...) and posting what happened on your "wall" (somewhere on you're profile). He said the would then "wipe your name" and you'd have a time limit before your account is deleted.

Is there any truth to this? Because if there is, I don't want to lose my avi, and I'll likely leave him and go into hiding, wiping everything I can that connects my avi to people, emailing the people I want to keep in touch with, and changing my name and coming back after a couple of weeks or something...

Oh, and I'll probably look into preventing myself from being h4c|<7d as well, though I've been too lazy to check the threads on it here yet >.<
Posted 13 years ago
I am confused as to what you are saying.

Does he think you are a h4c|<7r and is trying to pay you 10k to kill someone?

Or, is he willing to teach you how to do this?
If this guy knows how to h4c|<, I would say take lessons from him and learn as much as you can.

However, if this guy is threatening to h4c|< you, I would just follow our tutorials on how to keep your IMVU account safe.

Just remember, never use your main account while hacking, always use a dummy / alt account and you will never have to worry about the safty of your main.
Posted 13 years ago · Author
No, I don't believe he's the one that does the hacking... He kills someone using t3 roleplaying fighting... basically roleplaying through one avi killing another somehow. Then, he copies the text there, and sends it to someone who wipes your avi name somehow, and then they're deleted eventually... Is there anyone on here who actually roleplays heavily in IMVU and may have come across this or know someone who's done this or been through it?
Posted 13 years ago
Sir Saignren wrote:
No, I don't believe he's the one that does the h4(k1n9... He kills someone using t3 roleplaying fighting... basically roleplaying through one avi killing another somehow. Then, he copies the text there, and sends it to someone who wipes your avi name somehow, and then they're deleted eventually... Is there anyone on here who actually roleplays heavily in IMVU and may have come across this or know someone who's done this or been through it?

Maybe he just adds the person's name to the block list for their public rooms and considers that "dead"?
Posted 13 years ago
Yeah, maybe he just considers you "dead" and then you can't get hired again inside their role playing community or so...
Posted 13 years ago
I can't stop laughing.

What a dumbass. This is worse than saying you can "view all imvu passwords with one click of a button" with cheat engine.

I can't understand how you kinda fell for it. xD
Posted 13 years ago · Author
I fell for it mainly because everyone I knew for sure that was 'targeted' by an assassin organization has either quit or vanished from IMVU.
Posted 13 years ago · Author
I never heard no names, I've just heard that someone hired an assassin or something. In fact, a friend of mine is in hiding because of it... I've tried to contact someone else I knew who was involved with assassins... but I can't seem to reach them...
Posted 13 years ago
Sir Saignren wrote:
I never heard no names, I've just heard that someone hired an assassin or something. In fact, a friend of mine is in hiding because of it... I've tried to contact someone else I knew who was involved with assassins... but I can't seem to reach them...

Most IMVU assassins use very crude methods of scamming people out of their password or system abuse.
Just tell your friends not to give out their password or email, and to follow the IMVU rules while on IMVU...and they will be fine.

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