
by iJazzyBear · 23 posts
14 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 14 years ago · Author
Yeah... I messed up big time. But no matter what, I'm always yours. 100%. I don't care what your new girlfriend has to say about this (if she sees it) but she can suck the big penis I (honestly) don't have. You're my world and my life. You're technically the reason I'm living. Our daughter and I both love you, more than you know. We talk about you all day long, making me want to cry. I know this is my fault, but things always happen for a reason right?
I just wish I hadn't treated you so poorly. I regret it, like you said I would. And I'm going to regret it for the rest of my life, even if we do become one again. I just want you to know, that I want you to be happy. I want you to be able to live your life to the fullest without it being messed up because of me. Someday, I know we'll be together. Yes, I have to prove that I love you. I promise, I'm still working on that. I cry as I type this, thinking about all I've done wrong to us. I just hope that someday, you'll forgive me. That day, I'll be your world. Your girl. Your life. Your love. Your one and only. Your WIFE.

I want the world to know who I belong to. And LOGAN... I belong to YOU.

It will happen. It may not come very quickly, but time will bring us together once again. That's a promise I'll never be able to take back. I love you, Logan. Someday... I hope to be Jasmine Payne.
Posted 14 years ago
Oh wow, giving out your and Logan's name in one single post... >.< Bad idea
Posted 14 years ago
joker stop bein mean any way do someone want to take out their names.
Posted 14 years ago
Well Logan this girl really loves you even if she did anything wrong.And is not any problem if people know his real name .. they can't use it with any purpose.
Posted 14 years ago
Within only 4 or 5 days...his "new gf" cheated and broke up with him.

I am only commenting here because my little bro, Logan, asked me to.

Logan wrote:

comment there?

idk what to think

btw jade broke up with me

Anyways...I always wish love the best of luck.

That...and I think stalking is sexy and random public outbursts of love are romantic as hell.

Glad to see that you admit wrong, while it is hard to stay faithful to someone so very far away, it is much more rewarding and brings so much more happiness if you do so. Love is not something to be thrown around and taken lightly, it is sacred in this family, worshiped, and highly valued. Just to let you know how much you hurt him though, I had to talk him out of suicide that day!

~walks out of the room~
Posted 14 years ago
He actually loves u, and i dnt know, but according to what i heard, this is the fourth time you screwed up. Love isnt a game. Trust me. You are lucky he decided to give u another chance. I once screwed up with my gf. (not cheating though). She gave me another chance at the cost of cheating on me with 5 different guys. I am married now, but she was my first true love. I can never ever forget her. Just dont break his heart again
Posted 14 years ago
~peaks my head back into the room~

Oh, and by the way...I will kill your account if you break his heart again.

It would not be the first time I have killed a person's account for repeatedly disrespecting the bonds of love in this family.

~runs back out into the night~
Posted 14 years ago
The way to one's heart is through one's actions... and in this case, not one's announcements.
Posted 14 years ago
Rockboyc2 wrote:
joker stop bein mean any way do someone want to take out their names.

Sorry if that came out offensive or anything. I just like Logan, and anyone here for that matter. No matter what, even if it's my IMVU life, I got all your backs. After all, you were the ones to give me that life.

I just meant she shouldn't've used the names, nothing more, I tend not to meddle in affairs I do not know the details of.

Love to the family <3
My support to Logan.
My best wishes to the topicstarter.
Posted 14 years ago
Well best whishes between you and Logan hope you find a way to solve this and cheating 4 times is not that ... okay ? I don't think that is a normal relationship...if you cheated 4 times then you have something with him ? You try to make him learn what ? When someone flirt with you , you have to ignore him if you are already Logan's gf....come on Logan is a respectfull and very nice guy and losing him it's like losing a treasure full of honey.

LoL - Hope no someone thinks I'm gay.

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