What's the strangestexperience you've ever had on IMVU?

by Kleixx · 5 posts
1 month ago in IMVU Lounge
Posted 1 month ago · Author
My strange experience at the time, I don't know whether to call it harassment, but when I was around 16 years old, I met a girl who at the time was 37 years old... it turns out that the girl asked for photos or videos of me, and then she without problems, she sent videos of what I asked her... I know I was wrong at the time because I was aware of what I was doing, but I think you understand the mentality of a boy at that age, in the same way I think she should have stopped this in some way... but hey, I'm not saying today that it's harassment, but rather I take it as a rare experience in my imvu life... I read and respond to your stories/experiences
Posted 1 month ago
For me, the strangest thing happened was being called a fake of another older star. I thought it was weird because I had never spent my life in games for nothing, regardless of the type. Just as time went by I learned how many in certain types of games and some (large) more closed group love to be the last cookie in the pack when many times the real one itself is not that big and they end up taking it out on new players.
Now I have more account time in this game, and of course, these ones that called me fake too and much more than me obviously, but things change. It's very funny that, the prejudice for playing time.
Posted 1 month ago
I honestly feel like my strangest experience was when I finally got a pee, a whole bunch of random people that I never even seen before or added just started inviting me to sex rooms and I’m just like this whenever ever happened to you real life so why would you do it virtually?
Posted 1 month ago
My strangest experience was when I first joined.. I entered some random chat room and someone had out a trigger i didn’t know what they was called at that time .. and he tried to have sexual encounter with me and I was soo shocked and confused.
Posted 1 month ago
my strangest experience on imvu is seeing the ads. now, i am aware i can always get vip to stop them but you will not catch me putting money into this game, at least not soon. lately ive been getting some omegaverse or step father comic ads??? idk if anyone else is getting that specific ad and even though i dont mind adult topics at all, i find it funny that its being advertised on imvu

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