Weird things you do when alone

by AznPuff · 88 posts
10 years ago in Social Games
Posted 2 years ago
i make random noises and act like a child lol...pretty much just go into little space and/or kitten space :P
Posted 2 years ago
Listen to music, put on skates and pretend I'm in my own dance, skating, flash mob. :dancingbunny: :dancingbannana: :dancingapple:
Posted 2 years ago

YUP. I could be just doing errands or whatever, and then BOOM outta nowhere I get this seemingly catchy tune in my head that I've made up myself, and I'm suddenly singing and humming it quite possibly at the top of my lungs. Often times I even have the entire drum beat going in my mind, with instrumentals and everything xD. Nice to know I'm not the only one out there that's randomly singing to themselves. :awesome40:

On another note, I think it is rather normal for cat/dog owners to have conversations with their pets. I don't have any, but I always believed I would have conversations talking to my pet, cause why not? People talk to other people and just want them to sit there and listen, or so they can verbalize their feelings without feeling "weird" talking themselves. So I think talking to a pet is like getting your thoughts out in the open and (possibly) finding a bit of an emotional comfort / clarity? Just my view on it

@Don Von Alpha Dom

Why do you feel that is wierd Don? I personally wouldn't say that would be something weird by any standard. Instead, I'd say that's setting up an environment with things that make you relax or help you enjoy yourself, and allow yourself to indulge in some self-care. TBH I think more people should consider doing that kind of thing for themselves, in whatever their ideal way might be. Doesn't even have to be a reason for it, just taking good care of themself.


Hmmm.... Now I'm curious how far back the collection of old pics of Don goes... And how Don's style might of changed over the years... Can't help but wonder if somewhere in there, there's a couple of gold pics where a unique fashion statement was made haha :awesome13:


Totally down with that, I like it. But I have questions.... Several xD. Starting with, where are you doing this skating at? If its inside, where do you have the room? And how are you not damaging your flooring? :awesome40: Oh! And what's your choice of music for this recreational activity? You definetly got me curious xD.


I feel I talk to myself if I need to keep myself on track and in my thoughts and I know my brain is too scattered or unfocused to do so without drifting lol. I think people talk to themselves way more than they realize lol
Posted 2 years ago

I don't care about the floors :awesome25: they can't be perfect forever. But Usually out back on wood boards I put down :sweatdrop:

Music choice varies, but mostly rap duh :awesome25: the dirtier the better. But since I heard Thunder by imagine dragon at the party in Don's playlist, I've been on that kick. Little fact about me, I tend to find songs exist like 3 years later. I don't always listen to songs when everyone else is, so for example, A DMX song I just heard for the very first time after he long gone dead was out eons ago and I never even knew xD. So I'm fan girlin over it, and its like old as dirt 0.0.
Posted 2 years ago
I don't care about the floors they can't be perfect forever. But Usually out back on wood boards I put downMusic choice varies, but mostly rap duh the dirtier the better. But since I heard Thunder by imagine dragon at the party in Don's playlist, I've been on that kick. Little fact about me, I tend to find songs exist like 3 years later. I don't always listen to songs when everyone else is, so for example, A DMX song I just heard for the very first time after he long gone dead was out eons ago and I never even knew . So I'm fan girlin over it, and its like old as dirt 0.0.


So basically, dance dance revolution: Patio Style? LMAO
and yea I almost never listen to songs when everyone else is. Sooooooo I come across songs years later too xD. I don't listen to what's new and hip or fresh. I just tend to play my same old same old youtube playlists and stay stuck on my sound and true music. Can't go wrong there at all. Some of the songs im listening to are legit older than dirt. Prime example, one of my favorite songs is from 1981, ROFL.

As for rap, I've never been a fan of it tbh. Tho im sure there are exceptions in my playlist that I've just forgotten about.
Posted 1 year ago

i totally agree with you there close usely drop music comes on and i dance around naked and have to run and when i here the car pull in but there that few times im standing on the table butt ass naked and the blinds are open and you make eye contact or someone walk into the house and you let out the screech
Posted 7 months ago
One wierd thing I do when I am alone is like I stare at my ceiling as like someone is watching me or I make a random scernairo for example I was trying to make a perfect circle wiht my eyes with the cieling and i did it for over an hour because why not, and another thing I did was that I acted like there was a war going on in my cieling but it was just rlly a bug and a fly jsut being around each other

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