creator on imvu

by eterno78 · 13 posts
2 years ago in White Hat Activities
Posted 2 years ago · Author
hi everyone sorry for the inconvenience I wanted to ask how to solve the problem of the weight of the meshes created on 3ds max if there is a way to make them less heavy
Posted 2 months ago · Author
yes exactly this
Posted 2 months ago

Do you want them all to use the same texture? Cause the only way to do that is to merge them into a single material which can only have 1 texture assigned.
Posted 2 months ago

Unfortunately no I want them to be with many textures I though something like that before it was a product with may textures but the xmf file have only 1 number it was like the creator merge them all

-- Thu Nov 28, 2024 6:01 pm --


Any way I want to merge 2 materials in 1 texture in the xmf file
Like adding my watermark to the hair material both under 1 submesh if you can understand what I mean
Posted 2 months ago
I'm 99% sure the way cal3d works, there can only be 1 texture per material so if the entire product only has 1 material then everything is going to use one texture.

Nosha wrote:
Unfortunately no I want them to be with many textures I though something like that before it was a product with may textures but the xmf file have only 1 number it was like the creator merge them all

It sounds like you're talking about a texture map. Using a texture map you could have 1 material for the entire product but depending on the product's complexity, that may not be ideal.

Nosha wrote:
Any way I want to merge 2 materials in 1 texture in the xmf file
Like adding my watermark to the hair material both under 1 submesh if you can understand what I mean

If I'm understanding you correctly, the only way to do that is to add geometry to the mesh. Because if you simply apply your watermark to the hair texture then you'll see it when wearing it. Unless the hair is using a texture map and the watermark is outside all of the map's islands. In which case it'll only be visible to people who get the texture either from ripping or deriving.

Regardless of the why though, to merge 2 materials into 1, you have to do a few things:
  1. Delete one of the material (xrf) files from the chkn.
  2. Replace the reference to the material you deleted with the second material in the mesh (xmf file).
  3. Delete the reference to the material file you deleted in the index.xml file's materials.
  4. Open the second material file and replace the texture name with whatever texture you want to use.

Depending on how you got the product, you'll likely need my Material decompiler] and my [url=]Mesh decompiler

If you have a specific product in mind, link me to it and I'll write up a more specific and in depth tutorial on how to do it if you want.

Posted 1 month ago

Can you please explain further about the use of material decompiler.? How do one uses it? Is it like all the decompiler we have like drag drop and it will be readable? Very much interested with this…i got all 4 of your decompiler (xmf, xpf, xaf, xsf) and they all work wonder…...i want to try this one too. .lol…Merry Christmas to me…lol!
Posted 1 month ago

Yes, all of the decompilers work the same. You simply drag and drop a file (xrf for the material decompiler) onto the exe and it will decompile it into it's original xml version that you can edit as you see fit.

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