Banned Account

by xoxoSam · 14 posts
7 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 7 years ago · Author
My account was banned due to payment fraud, another user said she wanted to send me credits and I kept telling her not to, she did anyway with her mother's credit card, her mother found out and reported it to her bank and IMVU , so now it's on me, they disabled my account but not hers, I told imvu I should not be held responsible for something that I didn't do, I told them I would pay to get my account back if I have to, I had AP and Age, I've spent to much of my money on the account to get disabled. Please help me
Posted 7 years ago · Author
Yes i live in the US and my state is Pennsylvania, imvu responded to my 3rd help ticket and I do not agree with how they keep responding


-- Thu Jan 05, 2017 11:20 pm --

I called them finally, the man on the phone was very nice and told me what happened , that the person who said they were gonna send me credits got h4c|<7d, and because they sent them, they got my account long with a few others accounts banned. But the man i was on the phone with told me to reply to my help ticket and explain to them what happened better
Posted 7 years ago
IMVU is actually so dumb. Honestly feels like IMVU is run by kindergartners. I really wish someone would fully take IMVU to caught on how they handle business. Looks like this person's account is still disabled
Posted 7 years ago · Author
It's unfortunately still banned, I even tried saying my account got h4c|<7d than banned and they will not budge, and I refuse to pay for my account back
Posted 7 years ago
xoxoSam wrote:
It's unfortunately still banned, I even tried saying my account got h4c|<7d than banned and they will not budge, and I refuse to pay for my account back

Are you old enough to go to your state courthouse to file a claim? IMVU sells their prepaid cards in your state, so you should be able to take them to small claims court.

That, or you could try calling them over the phone. We've had members who had better luck getting back disabled accounts over the phone.
Posted 7 years ago
You best luck is listening to Don. IMVU is mentally retarded.. Id call them and be nice about it and if not being rde about it and threating you will take it to small claims court is another way.. I think IMVU would rather give the account back then have to spend money. I think imvu takes accounts to make more money. Think about it IMVU can make a better black market catcher shit and save the meshes. Or remove auto bypass and catch all unwanted items. But at the end of the day they make money off it. They get the derive fee witch. For everyone one that buys your product, 5k, 7k, 10k, they make money off it. Id call them tho and move step by step :)
Posted 7 years ago
last time i heard imvu say my friend purchase something on imvu... for like 10$ they made him pay 510$ i think that aint fair... -.-
Posted 7 years ago
Omg, that's crazy. I hope you get your account back soon. IMVU is run by a bunch of kindergarteners. I remember recently that I purchased credits from IMVU while they were having a 45% off sale on creds and I did the usual for everything about checking out and it gave me the place your order for X amount and thought everything was good. Later on, when I went to go check my card account, it said that it was charged more than it should have been and I am like wtf. Turns out after speaking to the IMVU VIP help crap, I was 2 minutes late on it and I'm like are you kidding me? I told them that their site told me I paid for the sale price and everything and they wouldn't refund me on half of what I paid for and I was even willing to give back the credits I bought. I was pissed with them. I have refused to buy anything from them unless it's my VIP and stuff like that.
Posted 7 years ago · Author
Don Von Alpha Dom wrote:
xoxoSam wrote:It's unfortunately still banned, I even tried saying my account got h4c|<7d than banned and they will not budge, and I refuse to pay for my account backAre you old enough to go to your state courthouse to file a claim? IMVU sells their prepaid cards in your state, so you should be able to take them to small claims court.That, or you could try calling them over the phone. We've had members who had better luck getting back disabled accounts over the phone.

Yes I'm 22, is there a way i can send you my e-mail so you can give me more details about my courthouse and what I cold do to get the account back ?

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