Bypass video captcha?

by xREXx · 4 posts
10 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 10 years ago · Author
is there any scripts or what not that will bypass the captcha without having to watch the video and possible no typing? example - Image
Posted 10 years ago
Not that I am aware of. Though I've noticed that lots of times, the answer is the same for ads. Like a swiffer ad has the same answer on every site.
Posted 10 years ago
I miss the days where captchas only purpose was to verify a human user. Now they are bloated with ads and some purposely extend the amount of time you have to look at the captcha just so you have to look at the ad. It's sickening in my opinion.

Ads can be done right but then you have places that spam an ad everywhere they can fit one. Some times I've seen ads cover actual content on the site. Then you got things like these captchas which purposely delay you just so you have to look at the ad. I know 2 sites that use the captcha where you gotta click on the pictures that represent the text. One will verify instantly once you complete it and the other ads in a loading bar just to make you stare at an ad that pops up.

It's funny how they think people won't notice that they are deliberately bloating web services just to force advertisements on people. And then they complain when people use adblock, lol. As far as I'm concerned, I only turn adblock off on sites that I want to support and ones that I know use ads properly.

Anywhere, here are some links to captcha bypasses. I haven't tested any of them:

Most of these are paid services and the others are browser addons. I keep an eye out for more.

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