the comeback

by toxy · 3 posts
11 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 11 years ago · Author
I miss playing Soccer with my friends "family/brothers" i was so fun and a way for me to let go of my anger and pent up rageonto other pople and not being punished or getting in trouble with anyone but the coaches of the team really suck well most of them because they always kept holding me back until the last quarter or till the last seconds of the game and yet i was one of the best lineman on the team on offense and on defense i was a dominant lineman offense i held everyone on the other side of the line away from my quarterback or halfback and on the defense i dominated the other teams offense and always got to the other teams quarterback or halfback because the other team always lined a smaller person up against me for some reason so it was like a light work-out... I couldn't be a part of the team the last two years due to health issues and grades but this year i'm doing good and i'm not as sick as i was last year so hopefully it stays that way so i can play on the team and to get me ready just in case i've been working out a lot just yesterday i did some free weights 130 times so my arm is nice and powerfull and for my legs i do heavy leg presses just to keep them up and powerful instead of being week little legs like half of my team has what i call chicken legs and thighs and arms and almost none of them have any ange or agression in the so they aren't the best players on the team.
Posted 6 years ago
If you are still in Soccer, you should talk to your coach. Tell him that you feel like he sees you as someone with potential and ask him to give you a chance to being in the starting line. Go hangout with your friends even if you don't have the energy to, if you train your mind to think more positively and to engage in more productive activities, I believe you will feel less lonely. And to add on about the productive activities, they will also help out with channeling your pent up anger into something more constructive. Try yoga-and yes I'm being serious-because it will help control your temper and clear your mind of worries, plus a lot of Soccer Players actually do yoga as well just for those reasons. And another thing, please don't blame your team mates, in order for a team to work together there as to be communication and team work. If one person in the team is struggling, it will affect the team, so help that person in improving. Ask them if they would like some help on training or tactics on lay outs, they will feel they can trust you and look to you for help and you'll make a new friend. Heck, if you work hard enough, you could become team captain. Good Luck!
Posted 6 years ago
I used to do calisthenics a lot, it's basically working out only using your bodyweight, calisthenics really helped me throughout my depression issue and it really makes me feel better about myself as an individual, besides the positive effects I got because I've changed physically but not that aesthetic lol, I only workout during the summer, but in the last couple if years I didn't, bc I was failing at school and I didn't feel like working out anymore, but it really feels great to comeback and do the thing you like the most, and the most thing you enjoy doing.

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