Php Coding parsers and such

by airbender · 8 posts
12 years ago in Introductions
Posted 12 years ago · Author
Hey guys ive been a member for a while just havent had the time to introduce myself and offer gifts My name i airender or so im called and i offer my services as an exp. php coder i can do just about anything with php, parsers are my cream of the crop so to say i can pars any website in one way or another also ive done trackers in the pass mainly tbdev and u232 how ever im out of that now and on to my next hobby imvu and this site here i love this site i have found so much usefully info here and i want to share anything you guys would like i offer my imvu profile parser for this im using curl atm but having major issues with it i was able to pull the info for username and such but its giving me a hard time about the pictures and othere info on your imvu profile page i will get it tho sorry for making this long i love to talk plz if you guys need anything in the php coding area let me know would be very happy to help out where i can


Ps. i also can do a bit of flash graffix deisgn and adobe ps and pretty good with logos to , as i said be4 ive coded for alot of trackers themes and php mods for them also vb and smf (both forum website sources)
Posted 12 years ago · Author
yes not just php curl tho as you seen in my posts in the php thread there are a few ways to parsr im playing with a html dom parser atm to but no luck with it
Posted 12 years ago
So far, I have done most of my IMVU parsing in javascript and DM does most of his in I looked forward to learning from your php parsing scripts though. Most of our competitors parse in php, and I have always wanted to get into using php for parsing myself.
Posted 12 years ago · Author
well i dont mind to share my know how with you and other follow coders . i can do some vb parseing, well i have in the pass it was for something else i was in to awhile ago . all my friends say im not a very good teacher that they learn more off my work then anything else lol

Posted 12 years ago
Welcome to the forums. it's always nice to have some one who is good with coding. Right now I am trying to break into AutoIt. 1 of our competitors has made some interesting things with it such as that program that monitors public rooms and the program that mass gifts people.

Although I have his source code to both of those programs :twisted:, I've only managed to make a login macro. Then again, it's only been 1 day since I started lol.
Posted 12 years ago · Author
Autoit ive played with a few times got a friend of mine that has been useing it for long time so i can always pick his brain would love to help you guys out more then i do just owrk and such but yea im defo going to have a play with the autoit since the php curl parser thing i wrote no one rly intrested in rather work on something ppl want
Posted 12 years ago
airbender wrote:
Autoit ive played with a few times got a friend of mine that has been useing it for long time so i can always pick his brain would love to help you guys out more then i do just owrk and such but yea im defo going to have a play with the autoit since the php curl parser thing i wrote no one rly intrested in rather work on something ppl want

Don't give up on the PhP code, we need more of it here. The main problem is I don't understand php all that much so I don't completely understand what your scripts do and have nothing to contribute.

But definitely keep on them, we deploy some PhP scripts in conjunction with our T3DE client and it adds content to the forums.

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