Posted 14 years ago · Author
Okay this game is mainly pvp and absolutely no grinding what so ever,which is why i love it.

FEZ (Fantasy Earth Zero) was developed by square enix,but ran by gamepot.
The game's main feature is its full out wars for territory between the 5 nations. (Hordaine, Gevrandia, Cesedria, Yelsord and Netzavare)
*Note the battles for land go from 5v5 to 50v50
So far there are 3 classes in this game, Warrior-Easiest to use, Scouts-Moderate Difficulty to use and finally Sorcerers- hardest to use

these 3 classes break down into 5 sub classes (not including all the possibility of sorc. element combinations)
Warrior- 2handed or 1 handed
Scout- Bow or Dagger
Sorcerer- w/e elements they want between lightning, fire and ice

When you first join it most likely WILL be difficult to find the class you love to play as. for example i started as a sorc, worked my way to 2h warrior,then to dagger scout then finally to my beloved bow scout.
Basically meaning if you don't like the game at first because of one class, don't give up and give some of the other classes a shot.

Also there has been rumors of new classes coming out which have been released in the japan version of this game. (i believe that they're fencer, duelist and witch but i'm not quite sure)

I probably should have stated this first but if the graphics of a game matter to you, and they need to be of a certain cailibur then this is not the game for you. it has very basic graphics with a kid-like feel to them <--- link to the USA homepage and im siding with Gevrandia, IGN is Xib