Private Message System Update!

by DataMine · 10 posts
6 years ago in Mafia News
Posted 6 years ago · Author
This evening our Mad Scientists discovered a bug in the PM system that was incorrectly displaying the names of some users who had sent PMs. Our scientists quickly analyzed the bug and squashed it, purging it from the system.

Now as some of you may or may not know, our Medit Shop allows you to spend your hard earned medits to customize your name with a color or glow.

With this bug fix, we've introduced the name colors and glows into the PM system. Now when you send a private message to another user, your customized name will appear in their inbox.
Posted 6 years ago
ok nice to
Posted 3 years ago
well done Thank you for your efforts

-- Fri Apr 02, 2021 2:20 pm --

it would be very useful if this program works thanks for your efforts
Posted 3 years ago
Thanks for update :))
Posted 3 years ago
Thanks. I'm new and still learning.
Posted 3 years ago
that's nice of you
Posted 3 years ago
Good Job, Thanks to all working together to keep us safe. :kat_emoji11:
Posted 3 years ago
Thank you for keeping the site running smoothly and keeping it safe for all. :)

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