How to deal with an IMVU Bully - Permanently

Don Von Alpha Dom
by Don Von Alpha Dom · 193 posts
15 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 15 years ago · Author
There is one type of enemy that is easy to deal with, and that is a Bully.

A Bully is the enemy soldier who runs into your clubs cursing, and invites you into chats just to threaten you.

Becarful, you want to be as nice to this person as possible, and not fight back.

If you fight back, IMVU will give a chat warning to you even if you did not start the fight; you still participated in it. Under no circumstances does IMVU let you break TOS, even if it is in defence.

We take care of this person with a technique that I like to call SNARF.

Smile Nod And Report / Invite Friends

If someone insults you on IMVU, just do the following:
1) smile
2) nod
3) report
4) invite friends to the chat, so they can repeat steps 1-3 if the person continues to insult you

Follow steps 1-4 enough and if the account continues to insult you, IMVU's staff will disable the account after it receives too many chat warnings.

It normally takes 3-8 chat warnings before a guest account is disabled, depending on the severity of the crime.

It normally takes 8-12 chat warnings before a non-guest account is disabled.

Finaly, it takes like 18-25 chat warnings before a VIP account is disabled.

If the chat warning is for tricking someone into revealing their password, then it only takes 1-2 chat warnings for any type of account.
If the warning is for sexual comments from an adult to a child, it only takes 1 chat warning.

A warning disapears from an account's records after 1 month.

Posted 15 years ago
thanxxxx i really need this
i should try it first
but thank u anyway
Posted 15 years ago
Come on, just come and abuse me...........

wait? could you trick someone into them attempting to trick you for your password? :twisted:
Posted 15 years ago
nicee way xD
Posted 15 years ago
Okay so If I have problems with a certain person or persons right?

He is a vip and ap.

I invite him to a chat[because i want the basterd disabled]

See if he talks shit.
I invite THREE ppl in a chat. They all say
report [they typing that right?]

18-25 chat warnings. Does that gotta be different chats? Like i invite him one time, the 3 ppl say the 1-3, but does that count as 1 chat warning since we are all in ONE chat? Or me included with the 3 ppl, typing the smile nod, n report thing, counts as 4 chat warnings?

Posted 15 years ago · Author
Juelzman wrote:
Okay so If I have problems with a certain person or persons right?

He is a vip and ap.

I invite him to a chat[because i want the basterd disabled]

See if he talks shit.
I invite THREE ppl in a chat. They all say
report [they typing that right?]

18-25 chat warnings. Does that gotta be different chats? Like i invite him one time, the 3 ppl say the 1-3, but does that count as 1 chat warning since we are all in ONE chat? Or me included with the 3 ppl, typing the smile nod, n report thing, counts as 4 chat warnings?


1) no, they do not type "smile, nod, report"
Smile - this means do not get angry with him, ask him to stop nicely
Nod - this means do not argue or fight back with him
Report - when you bring up his mini profile in a chat, click "safety" and then click "report chat"

2) I think a group of people can only give 3-4 warnings in a single chat, to do have to wait an hour or so and report him in another chat...or catch him talking shit in another room

3) each person in the chat room who reports him will count as a chat warning, so if 4 people report him in a chat, he will get 4 chat warnings
Posted 15 years ago


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