Programs to speed up IMVU

Don Von Alpha Dom
by Don Von Alpha Dom · 111 posts
14 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 11 years ago
ReadyBoost uses external USB flash drives as a hard disk cache to improve disk read performance. Windows 7 use the Windows SuperFetch algorithm to determine which files should be stored in the cache. SuperFetch monitors files that users access (including system files, application files, and documents) and pre¬loads those files into the ReadyBoost cache.

Full article: ... 56869.aspx

I've personally never used it. Generally speaking, your computer is only as fast as the slowest part in it. This includes external devices connected through usb/firewire etc.. For me, plugging in an external usb drive actually slows down my disk performance because my OS drives are 2 SSDs in raid 0 and my storage drive is a WD black drive which are designed for performance.

For your typical desktop/laptop user, I don't see a real benefit to using this. You'd have to do some real world testing but I guess it depends on what usb drive you plug in.

What most people should do however, it learn what they need and how computers work so the next time they purchase a computer, they don't waste money on a piece of shit that needs stuff like ReadyBoost and all these 3rd party programs.

I understand there are some who are stuck with what they have and for those people, I would suggest learning about your OS first. Sometimes, switching themes, disabling unused services and other features can help quite a bit. I know for a fact that on older Xp machines, switching to classic view and disabling a lot of the advanced eye candy in the background such as shadows and things can give you a nice drop in memory usage speeding up the whole machine.
Posted 11 years ago
D.M wrote:
Full article: ... 56869.aspx

Thanks for the link.

Ideally, most people should learn what specs they want and how computers work; however, most peeps are computer illiterate regarding 'puter hardware, and don't have much time &/or interest to devote time to know how 'puters work. IMHO, I would rather ask reliable computer gurus (as consultants) who know their shit, for recommendations what computer I need for gaming, with the money I have in my pocket.
Posted 11 years ago
Another useful program

Battle Enconder Shirase:
While it isn't technicly a speed up program it can be really useful.
What it does is forcing idle times into programs, reducing their cpu load. Of course the targeted program may experience a certain slowdown but in exchange it frees up ressources for other programs more voluntarily. (Can be applied to any program not just IMVU as well (I am looking at you Firefox))
Posted 11 years ago
RisingPhoenix wrote:
Another useful program

Battle Enconder Shirase:
While it isn't technicly a speed up program it can be really useful.
What it does is forcing idle times into programs, reducing their cpu load. Of course the targeted program may experience a certain slowdown but in exchange it frees up ressources for other programs more voluntarily. (Can be applied to any program not just IMVU as well (I am looking at you Firefox))

While I could see a few instances where that might be useful, where IMVU is concerned, this program isn't worth using. If you're running IMVU and other resource intensive programs at the same time then this program will slow the other programs down so IMVU can have more resources. But considering IMVU is always wanting resources, you might as well just close the other programs otherwise you're just hindering your productivity by forcing yourself to use the program with less resources.....

Seriously people, if you're computer is so shitty that you can't run IMVU and other programs at the same time, no magic program is going to make it better and most will infact make it worse. Installing and running programs uses resources, it doesn't magically give you more. Derp..

What you need to do instead is go into the advanced settings and turn off all visual effects (see image below) which can be found here: %windir%\system32\SystemPropertiesPerformance.exe (just paste that into the address bar of any explorer window and hit enter)


Then go to the advanced tab in the same menu and give yourself more virtual memory.

Then go into the Windows Services by opening the run dialog and typing in "services.msc" without quotes and disable all non essential ones.

Then go through the programs you have installed, remove all the crapware, bloatware, adware, malware, spyware, etc... and check your system for viruses.

And finally, close every other program you possibly can.

If none of that helps, then you should think about giving your computer away to someone who could use it for less demanding tasks or donate it to a someone/somewhere that likes computers or use it to learn more about computer and then buy yourself a new one or get your parents too.
Posted 11 years ago
awesome i will try this out my computer is slow sometimes when i log on there and sometimes it crashes me at least once a day and sometimes it can't handle the high kb in the room really sucks when it lags anyways have a nice day later people
Posted 10 years ago
Gj! ty very much :D
Posted 10 years ago
Thanks Don. Was tired of always lagging. Worked like A charm for me.
Posted 10 years ago
Yeah totally, thanks a lot Don. After switching to my Windows 8 computer, completely forgot what a difference having visual effects off can make :D
Posted 10 years ago
This is awsome!
Posted 9 years ago
awesome! thanks...very helpful! DM's new cashe cleaner works like should try it...thank you always Don and DM! :roll: :roll: :roll:
Last edited by thessa on Sat Oct 17, 2015 2:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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