xbox gamer tag if need look for a white panda------------> Sanicgoth <--- Gamertag, if you want my discord drop it in comments,
if your bored feel free to add me on xbox or ask for my skype maybe my discord, or even add me on xbox ill sleep call anyone dont give a shit im just me anyways but this is what i did when imvu was down
i was on minecraft, building redstone. and listening to aint no rest for the wicked Cage the Elaphant and then got on borderlands 3 and did some story missions, and saw clap traped had some funny words. and then got on a movie site and then watched nude nuns with big guns, then after my movie, i think i smoked a cig or 2. then just was tryin to find randoms on minecfaft to play with, then did some voice inpressions of clevland brown, maybe some yoshi inpressions, and then imvu came back latter... and then got into a bear avatar put a 550 Scaler and laid down as a big Carebear. the rest of the night.