As you may or may not know, IMVU recently made a change that broke a lot of our web tools such as the Avatar Card Viewer and the isbuddy program. Well, here's my fix for the avatar card viewer. I recreated it as a stand alone program you can run from your desktop.
Simply login with any IMVU account of your choice, then type in someones name and click the button. You only have to login once every time you run the program. So just keep it open if you want to look at multiple cards.

If you find any bugs or have problems, feel free to contact me via pm or leave a post in this thread.
In the future I may add support for custom badges as well as the other badges such as marriage, age verified and staff. But for now I just wanted to release a working avatar card replacement for you guys.
Download: ...
Last edited by
DataMine on Fri Jan 15, 2016 3:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Grammar fixes