Weird things you do when alone

by AznPuff · 88 posts
10 years ago in Social Games
Posted 1 month ago
@Auspicious K

I definitely have an issue with an over active mind, it causes me lots of sleep problems. Maybe it's not so much a bad thing per se...guess it depends on how you talk to yourself. If you're hearing voices other than your own, there might be a problem, lol. For me I just feel silly when I do it so I try to stop myself.
Posted 1 month ago

Aw, same here. I've taken to watching massage videos in bed as an extra relax and sleep aid. Not 100% effective or anything, but it's consistently a nice way of getting sleepy pretty quick for me and it stops my mind wandering too much. It's worse if I've got big plans the following day, either stuff I'm dreading or just something I'm really excited for. Very easy for me to be nocturnal, because unless I'm actually tired, there's no point going to bed. Likewise if I ever wake up early, that's it, I'm up.

But no, no. No voices haha.
Posted 1 month ago
@Auspicious K

I hear on ya on that. I can never keep a normal sleep schedule, hence why I'm up at 1am doing Mafia work right now, lol. It usually takes me around 40mins to fall asleep on a good day, sometimes a few hours. The worse though is when I wake up 4 hours into sleeping and then can't fall back asleep for another 2 hours even though I'm exhausted and my eyes are heavy.
Posted 1 month ago
been dancing in the shower recently....idk why lol other than that i sometimes meow lol
Posted 1 month ago

That's exactly what I mean with being up. I can be exhausted, only a couple hours of sleep and going full zombie mode - won't be able to get back to sleep and just have to get up and get on with my day. So yeah, I feel you. Who knows, maybe one day we'll have the tech of literally pushing a button to sleep. Then again, I'll probably be a pensioner or cadaver by then. Makes me wonder what I'll be falling asleep in the chair to when I am.

Also I swear music automatically makes a shower better. Soapin' and sudsin' to metal is a vibe and I love it. Maybe a little dancing, or mild headbanging while making that "good shit" face and going nuts with shampooing my hair and massaging my scalp haha.

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