Is it possible to recover meshes on an inactive shop?

by Soli · 13 posts
1 month ago in Basic Creator Help
Posted 1 month ago · Author
:awesome25: Hola! It's been a while.. I haven't been active on IMVU For a while and it's been even longer since I created anything. I'm wondering if it's possible to easily download my custom mesh files if I no longer have access to the original pc where I saved my projects. Do I need to use a product ripper on my own shop or is it possible to just log in and download my old meshes? My shop is no longer active. I'm looking to download my mesh files so I can upload to a different site. Thanks! :pinkheart:
Posted 1 month ago
Good question, If its deactivated you should able to call if not you might be out of luck.
Posted 1 month ago

Do you have access to your pids? If you do than you can recover the xmf versions of the meshes.
Posted 1 month ago · Author

umm it's been years lol wth is PIDs? I remember I had a folder saved on my old pc and it had all assets, textures, models, uv maps, etc. I can't recall if after uploading to my shop in IMVU, did I edit from the project file in the viewer or from my pc still. I want to upload my meshes to sl. My shop is not grandfathered and I don't have access to any of the build options. I'm thinking I'll probably have to find the item in inventory and just try to rip my mesh. :tla-think: you still have the tool that does that?

:tlatakenote: d'oh! Product ID lol just came back to me.

Posted 1 month ago

Yeah, I still have a tool that does that but it's not really going to be useful for you in this case. You'll get the meshes back as xmf files, not 3d files. I don't know what format SL uses but I don't think it's cal3d and I don't know of any way to convert a cal3d mesh back into a format Blender or other programs can understand.

If you still have your old pc, you should be able to recover the data. If the meshes are in a 3d format then you'll be golden.
Posted 1 month ago


There is a very old 2021 Hydra Hydra that he "extracts" xml / mesh but who has to understand a little has a person who sells the course I will ask a friend who bought recently with her but I did not have access to the programs

But it is the mesh helper 2021 and the Firestorm PRB that you can save and have access to the textures to be more right would have to deepen me more in this world but you can export to the IMVU have many sellers who do it in the IMVU of SL to the Imvu
Posted 1 month ago · Author

I think everything was deleted from the old pc. I can try to open it but I figured I would never use imvu again to create so am pretty sure i just deleted all the stuff in the projects folder. Oh well, guess it's back to making new meshes. :kat_emoji2:

@lthaus VU
Thank you. I will look in to this as well. Ive never heard of these tools but might be useful.

Posted 1 month ago
@lthaus VU

Are you saying it'll convert imvu cal3d files back to obj/fbx etc?


Yay, I'd love to see you start meshing again!
Posted 1 month ago · Author

new plan is to start meshing and go back to programming :D or at least kinda haha am going to learn sls which a friend said if I know the basics of C# should be easy.

I logged back in to imvu and cant even find the meshes. I guess I uploaded it to the old account that was gf... but that went to someone else. So, yeah, back to meshing and learning to script. Ugh and damn blender lol I guess I'll give it a shot since I don't see getting 3dsmax again.

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