having issues with poses, needing assistance

by SteveTad · 6 posts
10 years ago in Other
Posted 10 years ago · Author
Hello, I am new here to IMVU Mafias and in need of some assistance with some gray market items that I had just purchased. I am having some issues when putting them into the IMVU client:
1: when I put them into the client, via create mode, after I have moved an item around, in my room, my screen goes black for a few minutes and I only see my avi in that pose followed by the chat box screen then everything goes back to normal
2: After I have placed the items, nobody but me can see them.

These are the problems I seem to be running into. Anyone out there know what is going on and why am I having these issues?

P.S. A friend of mine told me that there is a video I need to watch that shows how to install the files correctly into the client. So far.... I do not see that video. If there is such a video out there, can anyone link me to it? Thanks.
Posted 10 years ago
If you ordered the products from here, they should you have came with a link to the videos and instructions. Check the pm you were given.
Posted 10 years ago
If you try moving poses while your standing on them you will end up way up in the air (all Black) So move poses around NOT standing on them 8)
Posted 10 years ago · Author
D.M wrote:
If you ordered the products from here, they should you have came with a link to the videos and instructions. Check the pm you were given.

Uhm..... I deleted it.... how can I get it back?
P.S. I know "D'oh!" lol
Posted 10 years ago
SteveTad wrote:
D.M wrote:
If you ordered the products from here, they should you have came with a link to the videos and instructions. Check the pm you were given.

Uhm..... I deleted it.... how can I get it back?
P.S. I know "D'oh!" lol

You need to contact the person who sent you the pm and have them get it from their history or send you a new one.
Posted 10 years ago
So when you buy a product, you get a link for a video to show you how to put it on IMVU? I ask, because I literally just started and I can't find a forum that answers my question. xD :snowman:

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