Help The Blind! - Autoit Lab

Don Von Alpha Dom
by Don Von Alpha Dom · 6 posts
11 years ago in Autoit
Posted 11 years ago · Author
Back when IMVU inc removed the mic feature from their client, they had several blind / visually handicapped users relying on it.

I would like for us to create an autoit script which can help these people enjoy IMVU once again.

This is what I have so far, a text to speech function:

Func CompText2Speech($sText)
$SAPI = ObjCreate(Chr(83)&Chr(65)&Chr(80)&Chr(73)&Chr(46)& _
Chr(83)&Chr(112)&Chr(86)&Chr(111)&Chr(105)& _

Now, if we can get this function to read IMVU chats .... or read the next line of an IMVU chat when a hotkey is pressed :D
Posted 11 years ago
Here's a link to some code on the forums: ... peech-udf/

And 2 code examples of text-to-speech.

; Speak Object and save to wav file
_SpeakToWAV("AutoIt Snippets", @ScriptDir & "\SavedFile.wav")
Func _SpeakToWAV(Const $sText, Const $sFilePath)
   Local $ObjVoice = ObjCreate("Sapi.SpVoice")
   Local $ObjFile = ObjCreate("Sapi.SpFileStream.1")
   $ObjFile.Open($sFilePath, 3)
   $ObjVoice.AudioOutputStream = $ObjFile
EndFunc   ;==>_SpeakToWAV

; Voice Read Text
_TalkOBJ("Speak this line of text Please") ; change the text to suit
Func _TalkOBJ($s_text)
    Local $o_speech
    $o_speech = ObjCreate("SAPI.SpVoice")
    $o_speech.Speak ($s_text)
    $o_speech = ""
EndFunc ;==>_TalkOBJ()

I'm not sure how this would be possible. The only way I can think of is having the script copy each line and store it somewhere for playback. But the problem with that is I'm not sure how you would get the script to do that and I am pretty sure it would break when multiple people were talking all at once.
Posted 11 years ago
No, all we need to do is Legalise slave trading, then sell the handicapped people a slave that will read the chat and type it out for them, among other useful services.

Or just hire people out as "helpers".
Posted 11 years ago · Author
BloodLustD wrote:
No, all we need to do is Legalise slave trading, then sell the handicapped people a slave that will read the chat and type it out for them, among other useful services.

Or just hire people out as "helpers".

Making a program is more cost / resource effective than human life; even if they are slaves.
Posted 11 years ago
True, True.

I was just thinking about how it'd read out what was going on in the client, unless you made it in a seperate client like one of TIM's .

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