Help Adding a Login Form

by Soli · 7 posts
6 years ago in .Net (C#, VB, etc)
Posted 6 years ago · Author
Hi. I created a windows forms application with c# and I wanted to add a login. I created a login on a separate program and imported it to the main app but I couldnt figure out how to call the main app after my login successful.
private void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            for (int i = 0; i < dsUsers.Tables["LoginUsers"].Rows.Count; i++)
                USerID = dsUsers.Tables["LoginUsers"].Rows[i]["UserId"].ToString();
                Password = dsUsers.Tables["LoginUsers"].Rows[i]["PAssword"].ToString();
                if(txtBxUserID.Text == USerID && txtBxPassword.Text==Password)
                    LoginSuccess = true;


            if (LoginSuccess==true)
                MessageBox.Show("Login Successful"); //I removed this here and wanted to add a line below this ro run new form1. I cant recall the code I typed now. 
                MessageBox.Show("Login Failed");

I ended up with one solution and two forms and tried this code again but it still said i needed a using statement. I got tired after hours of trying and screwing up my app. I ended up having to recreate from scratch. This is actually something I'm going to donate to a non profit church group. Just a basic app they need but I want it to look nice.

Right now, I deleted the login and I want to know if anyone has any advice on how to go about adding it in.

Thank you.
Posted 6 years ago
Import your Form.cs and Form.Designer.cs file into your solution. Then replace the namespace in the two files. Finally, in your main form.cs file create a new instance of the new form then you can access the methods and properties of it.
Posted 6 years ago · Author
Why do I need to Rename?
Posted 6 years ago
Because the namespace needs to match across all your files in the solution. Unless you have separate solutions in one project in which case you need to reference your solutions via using statements.
Posted 6 years ago · Author
ok... so right now I have two completely separate files because I restarted the login. Do I import it by adding existing project? thats what i did last time. was that part correct or is there a better way? this will import the entire project and then I added it to the solution from there but the code got all mixed up. my memos code was in the main app and it ended up inside the login app. screwed up everything until i found it and deleted it.
Posted 6 years ago
I would simply take the 2 files and and drag them into your solution and rename the namespaces like I mentioned before. You don't need the entire solution to add a second form.
Posted 6 years ago · Author
You are AMAZING!! it's finally finished and it's got a login :dancingbannana: Thank you for all the help :awesome14:

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