Search found 24 matches


yes ty why not..
now i would like somethg like that: suppose i launch a dance, example: *slinkloop, it stops when i launch another item but i would like to stop it with a command, example *stop or / stop.., possible please?
Helloo :) and thank you for ur invit. Whaa :shock: not easy to choose they are both interesting, but my preference goes to the first, Silence. Because Sooner or Later We Can Fight Against Demons .. but With A Destiny? but sure the mirror can be somthg rather scary, it depends personnal sensibility.....

lol Bshakalakala "she" ;) hru? i hope good :)

well now the wb works, with the same conditions but on a period longer than before (2 or 3hrs) and to get 400cred finally.. that's my result from severals tests and days. :oops:

well since 3 days i try.. i'm from France, i need a proxy but all i've got is 180, 380 and 80 credits, i dont understand for now why i didnt get like before around 1000 or 1500cred.

is it Imvu? is it the watchbot? is it the proxy...??