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<center>DHARMA FUN: Kick-Off Your LOST S6 Party RIGHT !!! Oceanic Luggage Tags Dharma Peanut Butter Dharma Beer Dharma Water Dharma Chocolate Dharma Vodka Dharma Cola Dharma Crispies Dharma Salt Dharma Mayo </center>
<center> Season 1 , Season 2 , Season 3 , Season 4 , Season 5 , Season 6 Which type of LOST fan are YOU? Lost is a character study. But it`s also an action show. And its involves...
<center> :D YEAY YOU MADE IT !!! take a good peek and a long look around ( i know you're a forum junkie like me ) and this place is BEAMING with great people and AMAZING STUFF !! Love seeing you here and hope to catch you on the iMVU side... ... Tag! YOU'RE IT !! :lol: ~!* Big 'ol SLoppy MWAHz for m...
I can read people's personalities instantly, long distance (so over the net s'not a problem), I can see a few memories, predict death dates accurate to within 3 months and tell if i'm being lied to instantly. I can understand anyone with immediate empathy - my doctors call it hypersensitivity - lit...