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yea i tried NASA but all the viruses i tried to send them they all got back to me...double times stronger
Have you ever beat a guy/girl double taller than you?
Now that's the spirit dragonarei...i wish to become the master of space and make sexy aliens so Don could have his last wish...and i would make NASA about 100.000 easier to h4c|< so we could steal a space ship for Don...but we have a big condom problem we need one with oxygen tanks...buhahahah dont ...
ok i downloaded the bios but now when i click on run cd/dvd it opens a menu and it says Browse and System Configuration.i go on browse but there i can only copy and delete the memory cards then i go on system configuratio but there i can only set the clock and...things like that...PLEASE HELP ME I S...
Guys i want to play PS2 games on my PC i already downloaded Pcsx2 and i only need to download the bios so if anyone can give me any links to download it directly (free) i will be much thankful im counting on you guys...pls help