Dreams Of You
I lay alone in bed at night, my mind wanders to and fro.
Dim lights, soft sounds fill the air of the streets so far below.
I close my eyes and think of you and smile from ear to ear.
The thoughts and worries that filled my day begin to disappear.
I hear your words, I feel your touch, my love for you runs deep.
My heart skips a little more for you, as I slowly drift to sleep.
Within your hands you hold my heart, my gift to you to keep.
So treasure it and hold it close and never let it go,
And to you I'll always faithful be, but this I'm sure you know.
But even with the distance that keeps you far away,
No matter what the reasons...in my heart and dreams you'll stay.
My love for you will always be until my dying day.
No man, no rule, no hgher force will break us or take our love away.
So in my sleep, I hear your words, so softly in my ear
"Sweet dreams my love, Te Amo Mucho, I love you more my dear".


Darkest Fantasy
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My Dark Angel

Permanent Linkby Darkest Fantasy on Mon Aug 25, 2014 3:30 pm

Your eyes pierce through me, dark and sleek
But, to no avail, I know not what they seek
Your touch burns my core from deep within
And I flush, like I’ve committed a mortal sin

You caress my very thoughts and dreams
In you, I am mesmerized and in awe it seems
You tightly grip a hold of my every sense
Stroking my emotions and crumbling my defense

Your words rev up my wearied soul
Causing my mind to spin out of control
My lips part, though I can’t speak a word
I stand frozen as my memories become blurred

I close my eyes and drift under your spell
Filled with delight but I dare not tell
Your very essence pushes me into overdrive
My desires build as you make me feel alive

Then suddenly things darken and my heart gets tight
I throw open my eyes but you’re nowhere in sight
All of my elated feelings begin to come crashing down
One by one they surround me without making a sound

As I reach my hand to my lips, a smile emerges
I feel your grip on me tighten as the battle surges
You remain within the shadows, hidden from view
Watching as I gaze in wonder at all that is new

I reach for you often when feeling alone and meek
But only darkness surrounds me, I find not what I seek
Then I feel your presence and my fear subsides
I feel safe and protected, knowing you’re by my side
Last edited by Darkest Fantasy on Tue Jul 11, 2017 11:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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