Drow Mating Habits
(A look into a primarily female dominant race)
Drow - dark elves, a race of wild elves which was forced to live underground after loosing a war against fairies and elves in ancient times, driving them into caverns deep underground, an area known as The Underdark. They are slimmer and slightly shorter than other elven races. Their skin ranges from a dark midnight purple to obsidian black.
Images of drow: http://www.google.com/images?q=drow
Gender relations:
The Drow have much to fear and distrust in each other, which is, of course, by their own design. The dynamics of power in almost all Drow cities is handled by the females, female-dominated. In the underdark, there are 24 female dominant cities, 2 male dominant, and 1 homosexual male dominant, for a total of 27 drow cities. However, this article only covers the 24 female dominant cities. For drows, domination counts for allot. The Drow are ruthless to those beneath them in station and they derive pleasure from acting out their superiority. They are also always looking for ways to take advantage of Drow that are as powerful or more powerful than themselves. This does not go away during "courtship" (if such a word can even be used), nor does it generally decrease in terms of sexual desire for the female. The Drow male must fulfill their partner's sexual urges and create the next generation regardless of how much the females look down on and dominate the males.
Sex education:
Sex for the Drow is intertwined with power and control. From their earliest lessons, Drow are taught that sex is for the pleasure of the female (especially when it comes at only the pleasure of the female), even when it comes at the expense of the male. The Drow are not timid with their children and are willing to divulge the secrets of sexuality as soon as young children gain coherent speech. They share not only the basics of anatomy and copulation but they also describe desire, pleasure, and triumphant conquests. Drow children are not shielded from seeing adults in the nude, nor are they kept from seeing adults copulating so long as the adults in question want to be viewed by others.
Drow children by virtue of their size and inexperience are usually not seen as fitting sexual conquests - they are too weak and too insignificant to count. On the other hand, some adult males force themselves on females when they are children because that is when they are weak. It is a simple and terrible fact that an adult male is likely to survive an encounter with a child, whereas in most cases the child female will not survive the encounter with the male adult of their race. The male does not want the child to survive, because in most cases it will mean his death if / when the child tells others. The rape of Drow children is avenged as an insult to the house the child belongs to and to the superiority of females, but that has more to do with house politics than any outrage on the child's behalf. Whether or not it is avenged, the incident is also often blamed on the child if only because they were too slow and weak to defend themselves.
Reasons for mating:
Among the cruel and self-centered dark elves, love is practically unheard of. Long-standing mates live together for practical reasons, not romantic ones, such as complementary careers, physical attractiveness, a legacy of producing many female heirs, political influence, and so on. The most common reason for procreation should the female allow it is that it provides a shield against enemies from outside, or if procreation is not allowed as pleasure for the female. Females see children as a means to more power, are willing to use / sacrifice their children if it proves the key to greater power. Not only do females make powerful priestesses for the family, but when sacrificed they can also strengthen a ritual or spell greater than a sacrificed male can. In the rare cases where mated drow develop some affection for each other, it is usually when the male is an excellent physical specimen, has provided excellent service, and has never caused embarrassment to the female. In these cases, the bond is more like that more like that of a insensitive female drow and her spoiled, pampered lapdog; the male is a cherished pet that will still be put down if it misbehaves too much.
Choosing a mate:
Because the females have all the control, relationships between men and women have few protocols, and it is the women who decide who their lovers are and how long the relationship lasts. The concept of courting as understood by humans and other surface races is almost unknown to the drow; in a society where males are valueless and life is worth little, having a lengthy process of becoming involved with another person is inefficient. Furthermore, the concept of a male pursuing a coy or disinterested female is an aberration, for it puts the male in a position of power and the female in a subservient role. Any male that practiced such a tactic would quickly be tortured and sacrificed to the Spider Queen for his impertinence. Instead, "courting" is the responsibility of the females, who pick their mates like selecting a good breeding animal, and the males are expected to comply once owned. Courting is preformed by forcefully taking / stealing a male’s personal items and then presenting them back to him. (in other words, “be my mate or you can kiss all of your possessions goodbyeâ€) Many times the selection of a mate is the start of a deadly rivalry between different females as they fight over the choicest specimens. These males usually end up the worse for wear in the deadly games of the female, and more than once has a female "given up" on a male only to leave him skinned and dead in her rival's bedchamber.
Titles in a relationship:
In the drow matriarchal society dominated by priestesses, relationships carry with them a strong "who's in charge" element. Needless to say, it's always the females. The drow relationship is symbolized by the person who obtains and keeps the item of another. Drow put great emotional significance on the possession of another's item, it is the way they "symbolize" a relationship. While a man may have only one owner, a woman may have the items of more than one man. It is a mark of status to females to have more then one well cared for male in her personal "stable". A drow female who owns more than one male is held with high respect, is referred to as "zigh quarval", or "image of the goddess". Once a male has been taken as a mate, he is known as owned; and once mating has taken place, he is known as permanently owned. A drow male owned by a woman is referred to as "wiu ste'kol", or "boy-toy". This reflects the drow female's cultural attitude of disrespect and disregard for males by never referring to them as "men", always referring to them as "boys". This pervasive attitude is also represented in the way women out rank the noble males in their houses : elderboy, secondboy, etc. "Toy" refers to the women never taking relationships seriously ... sexual pleasure and a good looking companion on your arm are fine, but a drow female would never consider a male her equal.
Treatment of male:
Even though males are not treated as equals, being owned by a woman is still a desirable state for many. To have a owned male dressed in rags, going hungry or always working to near exhaustion reflects poorly on his owner. The woman who has her male dressed well, fed well, and perhaps even gives him a slave of his own (such slaves given to a male are normally males of a lesser race; ex: goblins, humans, gnolls) is regarded well by her peers.
Courting As a Profession:
Often the intended 'item to be' is not stolen by the interested female, since most females are not willing to go out of their way to dominate just any male themselves (unless he is a prime specimen worthy of her personal time, in which case the male should be extremely honored), usually involves making some new friends and spreading around a few bribes. There are also professional "love thieves" - those who use their skills at picking pockets, etc. to obtain items for future intended relationships. It's a dangerous profession, make no mistake. A love thief caught had better not ever reveal whom has hired him, or not working again will be the least of his worries. However, most times if someone is caught stealing your possessions and you KNOW they are a love thief, it's a bit easier to discuss the situation with them; as you know they are performing the theft for reasons of a pairing. Some men refuse to let their item be stolen, others accept it and are even a bit flattered at the effort that's being put out for them. Some professional well-renowned love thieves are on good terms with several houses, and don't even need to resort to actual item theft, a few words in the right ear and the clink of some coins works just as well for them. Love Thieves are generally used by merchant houses and independents, as nobles most always negotiate for items.
What item should you take:
As a rule the more personal the item, the better a choice it is. Monetary value of the item is not important, but the emotional significance is. The more personal and cherished the item is, the more it shows that the female has put forth effort to establish this relationship. For example, it's much more flattering to have your personal diary stolen and presented to you than it is to have a more valuable but much less meaningful piece of your jewelry.
Taking items of great monetary value is frowned on and rarely done. It's usually only by the overly dominant, sadistic types who really need to show that they are in charge. After all, if you're flat broke you may be inclined to submit for the return of your 12,000 gp diamond necklace, no matter how you feel about the relationship. When an item of emotional significance is chosen, it's harder to walk away from. After all, it may be easier to leave behind a 5000 gp gem then it is to leave behind your personal diary.
Public vs. Private Presentation:
Finally, you have the item of the male you intend to own. Now, the female in possession of the item must choose whether she wishes to present the item to the male publicly or privately. Public presentations are usually done in the presence of family members. Among the drow nobility, it is also common to have the presentation at a "party" held for such an occasion. Usually the female has already negotiated with the Matron Mother of the house for the male in question and was approved. Payment for the male is common but usually not significant, as drow men are not valued highly (with notable rare exceptions). The male is usually made aware of these situations by the Matron Mother well before hand, so the actual party and presentation is a formality. Public presentations where no prior negotiations are made are also done, but usually by those drow females who are very confident of themselves, or feel sure the male will respond positively.
Private presentations are for situations where the female is unsure of how the male will respond, or where the Matron Mother of the house was not consulted first, or for commoners who have no house to make arrangements with.
Male Accepts His Item Was Taken:
If the male accepts his item being taken, he usually performs a submissive gesture to the female. A drow gesture of submission is dropping to one knee with head inclined at the floor, hands weaponless and held out to the sides. The female signals her acceptance by placing her hand(s) on one or both of his shoulders, bidding him to rise. At this point, the parties then usually have a talk where many things about the relationship are set down by the female. This may or may not be written down into a formal contract; containing where the owned male shall live, house duties, financial considerations, future childrearing duties, if the item will be loaned out (ie. the male will be "pimped"), what each brings to the relationship. Although most drow males continue on with their employment or are given jobs in their new house, occasionally the male may be given a life of relative leisure. It is a symbol of high status to have a male who does not actively work or provide income for the relationship, and one most males hope for.
Male Protests His Item Was Taken:
If a male chooses to forfeit the item or items to avoid the relationship, occasionally the drow female may harbor feelings ranging from mild annoyance to outright rage at her rejection, and may try more political means of achieving her goal. Underhanded dealings, purchasing the male from his Matron Mother without his knowledge or consent, and in extremes the kidnapping of the male into slavery so the female can "rescue" him with her purchase, or laugh at his fate and walk away. All are possible reactions of chaotic evil drow female.
A male will often protest at all costs if the female is a virgin. You will read latter on of the dangers of a virgin female. Gang rape of known virginal females is a fairly common defense technique among young males. However, if the virgin female is of sexual maturity, and is thus seeking a mate, she is most likely already capable of single handily defeating medium sized groups of males.
Ending the relationship:
If a male is not “permanently ownedâ€, has not had sex with the female yet, then he can still be captured by another female who steals his possessions. A woman can end a non permanent relationship at any time by simply throwing the male out. More commonly, she can also take and sell/trade/gift one of his possessions to another female, in which case the male is now presented with the item from it's new owner. However, if the male is permanently owned, has physically mated with the female, then ending the relationship is a completely different story. There are many more males in drow society than there are females. This has two effects on mating habits. One, when a female is looking for a male, she will normally look for a male whose heritage shows a large number of female offspring as females are more rare / powerful and are desired in the family. Two, should the female tire of a permanently owned male or the male misbehaves, then she will simply slay him. There are plenty of more boy-toys where he came from. On avrage, a permanently owned male lasts 1-10 years till he screws up and is slain.
A vast majority of the time, Drow females face their partner as a sexual prey in determination to get much more from an encounter than their boy-toy. In many ways Drow sex can be spoken of in the context of combat: stalking might occur, as well as ambush tactics. Force is a regular part of Drow sexual encounters, so violence becomes the prelude to more violence. Torture is also a common ingredient, since many Drow are skilled in it and enjoy the power. Some sexual encounters are to the death in the manner of combat, with females slaying their mates, but most encounters end with the male limping away bruised, unsatisfied, and the female in complete bliss. With the possible pregnancy rate of a female being about once every 50 years and the females in society greatly outnumbering the males, the need for a male’s seed is few and not very often. Surprisingly, sex is still a huge part of drow culture. Female drows often force sex on their mate as a form of domination and stress release for the female, but release of the male‘s seed during sex is uncommon as it is not needed and drow females do their best to make sex for the male as unenjoyable as possible. The use of force if used by the male during sex is not always punished after the act, as some females enjoy a little struggle / fight from their prey and always dominate their mate in the end. Traditionally the female kills her first ever partner. Even if the female does not follow this tradition though, it is common for the male who takes her virginity to die during the taking of it. Often, in the ecstasy of a female’s first ever sexual intercourse, she will accidentally take the act of making sure the male receives no pleasure during her fun a bit too far, and will accidentally kill him. The sexual service to females can become a terrible chore with no recognition for the male’s contribution, other than that he was a tool for her use.
The Drow can reproduce at a phenomenal rate for elves, in that they can get pregnant about once every 50 years. There are many miscarriages and deaths in the earliest stages of infancy, so a high fertility rate is imperative. Great sacrifices have been made to ensure more births in a city, or a last birth to a Matron Mother. Drow do reach menopause eventually, and once they can no longer bear children, Drow women will use their offspring retain a fruitful and productive house. The vulnerable state of pregnancy in the Underdark is no small undertaking. Pregnant females are given the best food by right and at the expense of others. Many Drow females become so paranoid during pregnancy that they will not dare to eat or drink anything they have not prepared after great examination; a race so adept with poison cannot be trusted. After a certain point in gestation, a pregnant Drow is exempted from all duties. All females enjoy the same benefits no matter how noble, placed on beds of satin to await the births of their children.
Child Birth:
Births are attended by at least one cleric or midwife. The Drow do not believe in sedatives or numbing agents in childbirth, although they possess such agents. Sometimes Drow women give birth to twins and very rarely to triplets. Such births are celebrated as blessings of their goddess. Drow do not always choose a child's name right away. Some Drow will perform prayers to be inspired by a name. Others will name their children after ancestors. Some will become inspired by the pain of birth. Needless to say, mothers in being the dominant gender always retain the right to name their children.
The Drow stance on abortion depends on several factors. A Drow female is considered to have ultimate control over her own body. If she does not wish to have a child, she can procure methods of birth control through her own magic or well available drugs as well as spontaneous abortion regardless of what anyone else thinks - to an extent. A Drow female can increases her power and prestige by bearing children, and if she waits too long some might begin to doubt her fertility, her standing, and her ability to dominate males. Also, Drow women who have been impregnated through politics, or during religious ceremonies, are forbidden from attempting to abort any resulting children. Punishments for infractions are very severe, ranging from enforced re-impregnation and magical compulsion to death, depending on the situation.
Pimped males are treated as a kind of currency. They are often lent out as gifts to notable Drow and must spend a prearranged amount of time under their temporary mistress. They are also given as rewards to students or children who perform well. If worse comes to worse, they can also be collected as payment for debts. They are not worth more than an average male if they are sold at auction. However, it is often the view of auction audiences that pleasure slaves are good for only one thing and are pretty much worthless. Other times an auction audience will have a high demand for pleasure slaves, or will be interested in a particular male because of his beauty.
A male with a sexually transmittable disease will almost always be killed. A disease that seriously impairs the ability to work is not going to be allowed to spread. Diseased male even if a "favorite" of female with high station cannot be allowed to spread contagion to such important Drow. Killing infected males is the quickest and cheapest way to deal with such a problem. A permanently owned male of great enough worth on the other hand, are bound to be severely punished for catching a disease and then, perhaps, they will be cured. If a painful cure is known, it will be used. If only a non-painful cure is known, then it will be made painful. If no cure is known, then he will be slain without hesitation.
Unless used as an entertaining punishment, males might or might not be punished for having sex with other males. Most often, those who are caught in their rendezvous are punished publicly and a strong example is made. It is likely that men know their lives will be short and painful anyway, and that they will risk punishment when their need to be satisfied gets to be too great. Females view this as indiscretion, for males are merely tools for female pleasure, so therefore do not require satisfaction. Not to mention that males tend to be more psychologically broken, follow orders more eagerly, and are easier to dominate when kept in a state of denial.
Interspecies relations:
Child bearing capabilities with a full blooded drow retain to drow, elves, Glabrezu, Yochlol (a shape shifting tentacle covered demonic blob), and shape shifting dragons. In a drow / drow relationship, the female is always dominate and in control. A drow / elf relationship is almost unheard of except in the cases of rape during times of war. The resulting child is known a half-drow, however the cross between a half-drow and a human is also known as a half-drow. There is a difference between the two types of half-drow. Half-drow containing human blood have silver hair, are stalkier, more chiseled, only live to be about 150 years old, and suffer from extreme bone lose as they get older which leaves them frail and greatly impaired. As for drow / Glabrezu; a Glabrezu is a large hairy horned daemon with four arms; one set of hands with claws and the other with pincers, that lives deep within the underdark. The child of this mating is a powerful creature known as a Draegloth. A Draegloth is a large four armed drow with a white mane that is impervious to both poisons and magical effects, and is a well a respected killing machine among the drow. During times of war, the mightiest of female drows if desperate for an advantage in war will sometimes seek out and sexually dominate a Glabrezu to create a Draegloth, or die in the process of mating should the Glabrezu dominate the female. As for the cross between a drow and a Yochlol, this is known as a half-Yochlol. A half-Yochlol is a drow that can transform into a giant spider. Yochlol are guarded servants of the sacred giant spiders of the drow. A half-Yochlol is not normally created without the intervention of the drow goddess through a long series of religious ceremonies and sacrafices. As for a dragon / drow relationship; that is an almost unknown topic within its self. While a female drow would gladly give one of her limbs to dominate a dragon and have such a powerful offspring; it just does not happen…as a drow has very little to nill chance of dominating a dragon and dragons are an extremely proud race who submit to none. Such a hypothetical offspring is often known as a drowdragon or dragon-drow.
Example of drow forbidden love poetry:
This poem was banned from female dominant societies for showing too much male dominance. The drow who made it was killed very painfully.
Drow Love Poem
Should you watch your back, you shall get a kiss from the side,
Random kisses all over your face can be a very deadly fate.
Those I kiss are soon to die of bursting heart and dark bruised thighs,
So if you want to play it safe, kiss me first and be my mate.
Those who love me are served very well.
Won't you let me be your male?
Example of accepted drow love poetry:
The following poem was written by a submissive male mate to please his matron.
A Tribute To Matron Shae
Razors splicing nut sacks
Skewers sink through their balls
Between their legs is blue and black
Their screams roll down the halls
Shae places men into their place
All males upon their knees
Fear drips tears down manly faces
Pain ushers squealing screaming pleas
For men their ass becomes a cunt
When Shae rips off their writhing dick
Each male knows he is a lowly runt
When in his ass is his own prick
In the under world of the drow
Balls swell to thrice their size
A phallus Shae never will allow
All testies she must sterilize
Nailed to boards, blood drips from nuts
The sorrowful sorry victims all are Shae's
A thousand bent-over males cradle guts
Eyes widen as sliding pikes ready penis filets
Behold the wrath of matron Shae
For drow males this truly is a hell
Dreams of dominating fade away
Without balls, not men, but only shells
This 9 page report on drow maing habits was written and comprised by Don Von Alpha Dom.
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Drow Mating Habits
Last edited by Don Von Alpha Dom on Fri Apr 17, 2020 4:09 am, edited 17 times in total.
7 Comments Viewed 28930 times CommentsRe: Drow Mating Habitsi believe in gender equality.. but eh, whatever floats your fetishey boat don von.
Re: Drow Mating HabitsDon Falcon wrote: This is a book report Don Falcon... Book: http://www.amazon.com/Homeland-Trilogy- ... 0786939532
Re: Drow Mating Habitshaha, well don. you can't blame me for not knowing that
Re: Drow Mating HabitsThis is quite the race.
I would love to no where this is located, for I now wish to reside there. ~Des
Re: Drow Mating HabitsOnHerArms wrote: The planet Abeir-Toril in the Forbidden Realms saga.
Re: Drow Mating HabitsI'm in love with this.
The thing about perfection is, the more you believe it's possible the more you're close to it.
Re: Drow Mating HabitsNice.
~Doesn't accept my 5 characters so here's your 6th!~ t(^.^t( You don't understand anything, until you learn it more than one way.
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