

This person is on the IMVU Mafias' Staff.

Mad Scientist

This person is an IMVU Mafias Mad Scientist.


M.A.N. (Most Active Noob)

Rising stars are new members who have shown their loyalty to the TIM Family by consistently logging in and posting

M.O.M. (Mafioso Of The Month)

Mom's are monthly members who have made great contributions to the mafia community, for which the entire family can be proud of.

One of Us

Filled out their profile, uploaded an avatar, and posted an introduction

Costume Contest 1st Place

1st place in costume contest

Costume Contest 2nd Place

Costume Contest 3rd Place

3rd place in costume contest

Turkey Shoot

shot a turkey


won a game of bingo


Most Valuable RolePlayer

Professional Escort

Professional courtship entrepreneur, aka Escort

Photo Contest 1st Place

Photo Contest 1st Place

Photo Contest 2nd Place

Photo Contest 2nd Place

Photo Contest 3rd Place

Photo Contest 3rd Place



Has contributed code to the Mafias

Family Artist

Awarded for creating art for the Mafias


Awarded to those who've helped the community by reporting a bug in our systems