Generative AI and vu ... ?

by blueDay · 6 posts
8 months ago in Off Topic
Posted 8 months ago · Author
no doubt y'all have seen the hype about AI or tried ChatGPT, etc.

there are now also a bunch of sites that will generate super-realistic NSFW images.

i wonder... is any of this coming to platforms like vu, SL, meredian, etc.?

i can imagine this new tech being used to create avatars or more realistic sexy virtual worlds.

my guess is that at some point this will happen, though maybe(?) it's still "not yet".

or maybe it is still years away, idk.

i was curious about meredian for a while, as a kind of open source, non-commercialized adult platform (unlike vu), but it seems like that community is now moving to a new project called "Nude" using unreal engine, but it still won't have avatars that can be as customized as in vu, so i kind of lost interest in what they are doing.

it really does seem like there is potential for generative AI in this space, so i am curious what y'all think, and whether you have seen any interesting projects... ?
Posted 8 months ago
I'm a big proponent of keeping AI out of creative spaces but unfortunately that's never going to happen. Lazy people with no skill will always turn to AI.
Posted 8 months ago
Thank you!!
I've been vehemently against it from day one. The second-hand theft, the multitude of negative and sketchy uses for it, breach of people's privacy, etc. Even just the fact it's not authentic. I refuse to call it art, even with touching-up.


I'm not sure about an entire space or entity like VU being primary AI-driven or featured - just due to the scope, legality and fact that AI still isn't quite there, it's still in it's mid-to-late learning stage. But technically AI came to VU a while ago, if you count the talentless people using FaceApp or full generators to edit their pics and post them. I've seen a bunch of generic AI art in the shop as well that people are trying to sell as wall decor/pictures. Personally I think IMVU should forbid it, but I don't expect them to have the morals or standards for that.

I should mention though that I don't hate AI, it's a great utility tool and assistant. Fillers, textures, upscaling, minor tweaks or proofing. It's immensely useful for developers, artists and other creatives who're using it to enhance or supplement their work or generally make life easier. What I'm against is churning crap out of a generator, then pretending you made it or it's art. That and the way a number of AI's work through using the actual work of others' to train them.
Posted 8 months ago
@Auspicious K

Personally, I believe AI should be relegated to industrial fields or places where it can assist in productivity, not completely replace all human effort. It baffles me that someone could be proud of something they "created" when all they really did was type in a prompt and sat on their ass while the AI did all the work.

I've had this argument with people before, most just don't give a shit. Some think there's no value in human skill. One person even wanted to live the life depicted in Wall-E where they could become so obese that they needed a motorized chair to get around and contributed nothing to society, just consumed and fulfilled their own desires at everyone else's expense.
Posted 8 months ago · Author
thank you all for very thoughtful responses. :)

basically, I agree with you that AI should not be used for serious creative endeavors, and for the reasons you mention. there are all sorts of IP issues involved, too (basically, plagiarism).

at the same time, i agree with D.M. that there's not so much we can do about lazy people, and that AI may have uses in industry, where it could assist some in productivity.

so i guess that's what i'm wondering about... if there are examples of it being used, but also used responsibly, for creating 3d avatars, for example.

it does seem like there's a gray area, though. like, using it to create textures as Don Von describes seems fine to me, but maybe a mesh for an avatar is questionable...?

there are already a great many derived products on vu that are only slight tweaks of other products that were actually crafted by people with real skill, but there is a system in place on vu (i think) such that the original creators get some credit.

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