Reciving this message!!!

by babuin · 24 posts
6 years ago in White Hat Activities
Posted 6 years ago
Soulljah wrote:
I'm usually not one for flagging but I flag these every time I get one of their messages. CS is very quick to disable these accounts.

can't blame you. i do the same, every chance i get..
Posted 6 years ago
Flagging them as well, but the amount of messages i recieved was annoying so i changed the setting to only friends can message me.

Also i had some weird messages like i played this game omg you should try it... 5 minutes later again a messages with p.s you didn't get that from me.
And a bit later there is the link. kek
Posted 3 years ago
Don't believe them or they'll take your account
Posted 3 years ago
how do these people manage to have so much time to make new accounts & Send messages to thousands of people get banned & then start the process all over again lol I dont think it would be worth the effort.
Posted 3 years ago
Sometime i wonder if sites pay them and they get payed to waste their time sending out so many messages and trying to h4c|< peoples accounts.
Posted 3 years ago
simply scam . :tlasmooth:
Posted 3 years ago
the easy simple way to avoid this set up your receiving your maasages from friends only do not allow strangers to send any massages
Posted 3 years ago
Those messages are still around and way more persistent only way to not receiving them I guess is to put your messages on a friend only or literally shut it off since they gonna come around anyway

but now a day they kinda became more creative and enjoying their business on feed with names like FOLLOW 4 CREDITS, etc

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