i've too had this kind of product a single separate pole and a separate dance to be combined as one to get the AP look for a pole dance in my GA club, and it passed when i entered the room to be in the featured, but as time went on imvu eventually caught up, and turned the dance into AP and my product was not deleted, it remained in the GA club room but users who were not AP could not see the dance no more, and just the pole remained, also now that there was a AP product in my GA room you are unable to take pictures for photostream, how ever i did leave it as it was for a long while until some silly glitch when i was decorating another room and a message showed the room i was decorating would be taken off featured if i continued, i ignored this message since im not decorating the club, but unfortunately this weird glitch what ever it was, assumed i was decorating the club and it took the club out of the featured, once it was not in the featured rooms, i could not use the same dance that is now AP to re-enter it back as a GA room into featured. imvu started turning all the dances created for the pole into AP. its hard to find one now but there is a good few that are now in hidden products, because some rooms still use them but are all hidden.