Program survey...What would you like to see?

by DataMine · 13 posts
9 years ago in Help & Requests
Posted 9 years ago · Author
So as most of you probably know, a lot of what I do here is programming related, making tools for users to purchase or use for free. You may also have noticed that I don't release programs very often.

I am very picky when it comes to code, I like to use professional standards and clean code where possible. Not only that but I like my UIs to be clean, efficient and convenient. I take pride in the stuff I make and feel as if it represents m ability and our family so I don't like to release something unless I feel it meets my quality standards. I also only like to create things that offer a lot of features. These simple facts about me often delay programs for long periods of time or keep them stored away never to be released here.

So...I'm curious..what is important to you guys? Please answer the following questions so I can get a better understanding of how to best serve this community we've built here.

1) Is the UI important to you?

When I design my UIs, I try to imagine 2 types of people using my program: Myself (someone who likes to quickly get things done without hassle but also likes well designed interfaces) and your average IMVU user who (no offense) isn't very bright when it comes to computers and fiddling with software.

So this leaves me with 2 problems to solve: How do I make the UI look well designed and function well but also easy to understand?

2) Are feature important to you?

Would you download/purchase a program that only did 1 simple thing? I like to try and give my users multitudes of options when it comes to using my program. For example...with the MPR, I provided 3 different ways of supplying input. I allow the user to manually type in data, I allow them to use a file open dialog and I allow them to drag and drop a file onto the program. I do this to make the program convenient for the end user so they are happy when using my program and not frustrated.

3) Speed or quality?

Would you rather I make more programs and fix bugs later when/if they are found or wait till the program is as bug free as I can make it before giving it to you guys?

4) What would you like to see?

After answering these questions, if you would like to suggest program ideas or something, feel free. However, do not make requests for hacking tools. I do not help people break into accounts, steal credits or get RL info.
Posted 9 years ago
1) Yea deff a good idea to have a good looking or decent UI for your programes. i reccomand this for progrogrames u will sell, or even give to the public for free. it can be very attractive to people. if ur ok with Photoshop. even better u can design ur own.

2) Depends. i would. if it was only 1 simple thing i wanted to do or needed. then it would still be worth it to me. so if that 1 feature did everything i needed. NICE!. just me though some might want to argue. lol

3) Honestly i think it does not matter. The coder if he/she feels like releasing the project from where its at and willing to continue the project for updates etc. then cool. but if u will get lazy and not want to keep giving updates. i suggest just waiting to release a programe untill everything is done completely. as it would save u some hassle?.

Hmm. i cant think of anything specific at the moment. but anything cool to have or play around with. also anything usefull ofcourse lol. alsways good. if i get an idea ill re-post.
Posted 9 years ago · Author
I've released a couple tools I made for myself to use to see what kind of interest there is for them:


Bulldog wrote:
2) Depends. i would. if it was only 1 simple thing i wanted to do or needed. then it would still be worth it to me. so if that 1 feature did everything i needed. NICE!. just me though some might want to argue. lol

Well, for example, I was working on a program that would download music from IMVU products. A lot of music products have mp3 stored on drop box. However, I tried to make it do more and also rip music from other sources too. That's kinda what I mean about features. I ended up never finishing the program because I couldn't make it download from multiple sources. Idk if anyone would want the program if it only does 1 source.
Posted 9 years ago
D.M wrote:
I've released a couple tools I made for myself to use to see what kind of interest there is for them:
Bulldog wrote:2) Depends. i would. if it was only 1 simple thing i wanted to do or needed. then it would still be worth it to me. so if that 1 feature did everything i needed. NICE!. just me though some might want to argue. lol
Well, for example, I was working on a program that would download music from IMVU products. A lot of music products have mp3 stored on drop box. However, I tried to make it do more and also rip music from other sources too. That's kinda what I mean about features. I ended up never finishing the program because I couldn't make it download from multiple sources. Idk if anyone would want the program if it only does 1 source.

Ok i understand. i believe it can still be usefull. some may find it usefull others may not. we cant make everyone happy tho :D. nahh but really its up to you. if you really dont feel like you completed that project. but also updates & features can be made. in the future. if u want to push something out early for everyone to enjoy. :p so can u say that programe u made to download music from IMVU products. without the feature u didnt finish. could it still be usefull? in anyway. if yes. then i think u shud release. as it is u can always go back to work on it whenever if ever.
Posted 9 years ago
would be very useful to have a file converter here. example from mp3 to .ogg
then I should not jump from one web page to another
Posted 9 years ago · Author
axiom wrote:
would be very useful to have a file converter here. example from mp3 to .ogg
then I should not jump from one web page to another

Here you go: ... t/download
Posted 9 years ago
LOL kaspesky said: NOPE NOPE NOOOPE
Posted 9 years ago · Author
axiom wrote:
LOL kaspesky said: NOPE NOPE NOOOPE

Interesting, SourceForge does not host malicious content. Even though the content is produced by its users. Kaspersky used to be total shit so I would just ignore it.
Posted 9 years ago
wanna believe it (it means spent my money for shit)
Posted 8 years ago
D.M wrote:
axiom wrote:would be very useful to have a file converter here. example from mp3 to .ogg
then I should not jump from one web page to anotherHere you go: ... t/download

Thank you always DM! so how do you use this....was able to download and unzipped the file....or do i have to follow the procedures on imvu lite?? Happy Holiday! :xmas:

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