VIP Discount Update

by DataMine · 15 posts
10 years ago in Mafia News

Do you like this update, wether or not you have VIP

Yes, I think it is a good update 92%
No, I think it is a bad update No votes
Other (please comment below) 8%
Posted 10 years ago · Author
One of the perks of being a VIP member on IMVU is that you get a 5% discount on products in the catalog. Before, there was no clear and easy way to see how much you were saving without doing some math. However, that has changed!

Varsha wrote:
Effective immediately, our VIPs see exactly how much they are saving for every item they buy in our Shop on the website and also in the client if they are using 3D Chat version 497.16 or up. The regular price indicating how many Credits an item costs is crossed out and shown in a smaller font while the price that the VIPs pay with their 5% catalog discount is shown next to it in a bigger font.


Read the full thread here: ... p&t=495156
Posted 10 years ago
its good but 5% doesnt take away much. what they need to focus on is giving us something in replace of taking free bundle rooms every month for having vip.
Posted 10 years ago · Author
xREXx wrote:
its good but 5% doesnt take away much. what they need to focus on is giving us something in replace of taking free bundle rooms every month for having vip.

True, but at least it's a positive update with no downsides that I can see for a change. Though I red some were complaining that it cluttered up the catalog pages, though I don't have vip so I can't really look at this. Unless they simply have it hidden in the html then I could un-hide it temporarily to look at it.
Posted 10 years ago
I am surprised, but happy, they give us anything, much less 5 %. LOL
Posted 10 years ago
xREXx wrote:
its good but 5% doesnt take away much. what they need to focus on is giving us something in replace of taking free bundle rooms every month for having vip.

But honestly, just one or two purchases no it doesn't amount to much but to some out there me included on a good month, it can add up nicely when u gift ppl stuff and make larger purchases at one time meaning if u gift or buy lets say 20 items then the 5% can add up. Also, I have read several times about being able to mass gift or message ppl. Which I take as 1 product per multi receipts now I know u can do this thru the shop when gifting, however I read where you can also mass mail msgs to multi persons/friends. is that so if so then how without gifting?
Posted 10 years ago
This new feature doesn't really bother me, I don't spend money on VIP.

It's typical however to see IMVU mainly adding new features to mostly increase profit instead of improving service.
Posted 10 years ago
All IMVU does is all about them getting more money. Even though imvu is way more cheaper than Second Life. IMVU nowadays practically made every step into money. You need VIP to create,if u are a designer, you need vip to enter some rooms, you need vip for other things,like more rooms,ect. Practically,if you get vip,beside having to pay products with a few credits less,it is mostly about the other features that once upon a time were free ,and now they just made it pay-able. Like being able to creating,like having more rooms ect. Back when i created my first account,guests used to create, and then,you would have 2-3 rooms available, vip wasn't such a big deal,if you looked at the things like i do.
So,any update on the vip regardless is good, even though it's not much at all,but it gives u a free walk into other things on IMVU.
Posted 8 years ago
Doing very little discount 5% :p
Posted 8 years ago
I had VIP on my account, but after 2 years I gave it up because it wasn't worth the cost for what little perks they gave and I didn't dev on the account. Now I am thinking of taking it back because as IMVU adds new features (example: shopping together) they are restricting AP holders more and more from different sections. They are technically pushing the issue to be VIP. When I dropped my VIP in 2015 after a week or so they offered me 3 mths VIP for $12.00.

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