Search found 7 matches

i have an idea for a forum on here.... may or may not be a good one but here it is lol......... we are the mafia and as the mafia there should be a forum where u can post devs names on imvu who have done us wrong... kind of a way to get the word out to boycott them ........ for instance,,, i had bou...
try to get full advantage u need to pay but the trick is to open an account, wait a day then go to delete ur account......... a screen pops up wanting u to pay a cheaper price ,,,,,,,,, click to procede to delete ur account then a new screen comes up and u can become a life...
hello all my name is pwolfe and i just wanted to introduce myself as a new member . i hope im doing this in the correct spot hate to mess up and post in the wrong spot......tysvm for havin me in your family